Delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

At BishopAndBishop, we strive to offer a seamless shopping experience. Enjoy complimentary shipping on all orders, as we believe in delivering exceptional products to your doorstep without additional charges. Elevate your shopping journey with us, where satisfaction meets convenience. Delivery charges calculated by third party sending the products to our customers.

How long will delivery take?

Our delivery time varies based on your location and the shipping method chosen. Typically, orders are processed within 1-2 business days, and standard shipping takes an additional 3-5 business days. For more accurate delivery estimates, please refer to the shipping information provided during the checkout process.

What exactly happens after ordering?

Once your order is confirmed, it undergoes swift processing, and we aim to dispatch it promptly. While we currently do not provide tracking information, rest assured that our team is dedicated to ensuring your order reaches you within the specified delivery timeframe. For any further inquiries, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Absolutely! Upon successful completion of your order, an invoice is generated automatically. You will receive a detailed confirmation email with the attached invoice, providing a comprehensive overview of your purchased items, prices, and order total. Feel free to reach out to our customer support if you have any specific invoice-related queries.


When the order payment is taken of my bank account?

Order payment is typically processed immediately upon completion of the checkout process. Once the transaction is authorized, the corresponding amount will be deducted from the customer’s bank account or credit card. For any specific inquiries or concerns regarding payment processing, customers can refer to their bank statements or contact our support team for assistance.

What is wishlist?

Wishlist is a personalized collection feature that allows customers to save and track their favorite items. By simply clicking the “Add to Wishlist” button on product pages, shoppers can create a curated list of desired products. This feature enhances the user experience, enabling customers to easily revisit and manage their selected items, streamlining the shopping process and fostering engagement..

What should I do if I receive a damaged or wrong product?

If you receive a damaged or incorrect product, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please contact our customer support immediately, providing order details and relevant images. Our dedicated team will assist you promptly, ensuring a hassle-free return process for a replacement or refund. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Once an order is placed, modifications are not possible; however, you can cancel your order until it has been dispatched. To cancel, log in to your account, navigate to the order history, and follow the cancellation instructions. Please note that once the order is shipped, it cannot be canceled, and you may refer to our return policy for further assistance.